The log book 2002
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December 2002
   December is a nice month… without big demands, a time for recuperation, reflections and planning for a distant spring. I walk along the cliffs where we bathed as late as September 15 this summer. No major storms have passed by the coast and the fog is like a blanket over the village. The waves gurgle calmly against the rocks at the beach.

November 2002
   The first snow has fallen and winter has struck, at least for now. This is the time to stay indoors and make a fire in the wood stove. The small boats are lined up along the shore and it's time to cut the water supply and make the cabins safe for winter.

October 2002
   Autumn came quickly and the tourists now prefer dry land. We take it easy and clear up after the summer activities. Boats are to be scooped after the rains. Later we'll be going fishing. A big spoon at the deeper spots and dinner will be saved.

September 2002
   Summer without end, it seems... We still have summer warmth and pleasant water temperatures, but the grounds are dry and the birches are getting yellow. We will be accepting conferance guests for a while and groups interested in fishing.

August 2002
   VWhat a record summer! The warmest summer during the last hundred years so they say. Now Ingvar is preparing for his new house over by the "mjölkbergen" hills. The blackberries are ripe, tasty with the ice cream.

July 2002
   Imagine being able to swim without being a hero. Many go for a swim in the morning. Then you pack lunch and head out to sea.

June 2002
   The summer is here! The small birds are building everywhere. But after a bold intervention they got a new home and three young starlings can be seen in a tree house of their own on the boat house roof. Lots of chirping and feeding.

May 2002
   Now the swallows fly around in the sky, I see lots of them around the rooftops. The nightingale came May 10. Suddenly one was heard and as the day progressed an entire concert! The sun is warm. The leafing is pretty and the lesser celandine in the slopes shines yellow. The elder-flowered orchis are blooming. There is motion around the cabins in the village and people are taking out the garden furniture.

April 2002
   Spring birds have returned, black-headed gulls, herons and greylag geese has arrived. The gulls are taking small fish in the canal and the herons stand in a row huddled up at Eskär. A swan lies on its nest. Elof fishes for herring, pike and the occasional salmon. In the slopes there is a yellow light from the special daffodils present at every house.

March 2002
   When I pull the roller blind up I see the snow softly covering the trees. This week the weather has really changed. When we ”came ashore” last time it was blowing over 30 m/sec in the gusts. Bricks from the roof is spread about around several houses. The highest water level I can remember has taken everything that floats from landing stages and boat houses, then the water subsided 40 cm in a little while. Don't look at the neighbour suspiciously if your stuff has changed owners. Add a few very sunny days and we have winter in the archipelago!

February 2002
   I close the kitchen door to the radio which has kept me company during a few hours in the morning. Outside it's quiet and calm. It's pleasant after the storm a few days ago. Ice and snow is gone. I walk to the garden and get Brussels sprouts and parsley. The hare has taken his share. It is mild. Can this be spring approaching?

January 2002
   The first weeks after the New Year the ice was thick all the way to the mainland but now the mild winter weather has enabled us to travel by boat. A few sunny days have gotten great tits and blue tits moving and practicing their spring singing. Out at Österudd Petter and a few friends have seen several seals pop their heads up from the water and fearlessly follow the guys' doings.

Kind regards Gunni Lindkvist


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